workers compensation podcast

MSSN Podcast Episode 8 – Discovering the Healing Power of Sound Yoga for Injury Recovery

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  • Post published:21/06/2024
  • Post category:Podcast
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Studies in the US have shown meditation, sound healing and yoga has been incredibly beneficial for people going through trauma and PTSD.


Episode Summary: In this episode, we speak with Siddhi Shakti from Soul Light Energetic Healing, and she gives us a demonstration of her guided healing session for you to try. 

Guests: Siddhi Shakti, MSSN Members

Host: Abe

Have you ever heard of Sound Yoga? Neither had I before being introduced to it through the lovely Nicole Turnbull who then in turn introduced me to Siddhi Shakti.

At first I thought, “this isn’t going to work” because by nature I tend to be hesitant to accept anything new but for the purpose of research and science I introduced it as an option in My Social Support Network for our members. I even said to Siddhi that if the members don’t like it, we won’t keep offering it. Well suffice to say, the people with injuries in the program loved the benefits and months later the program is going strong.

Sound Yoga is unusual but oddly effective. It’s a fantastic way to help your body heal, especially if you’ve been injured. It takes some getting used to and if you want to try it, scroll down to the bottom of this article here is short snippet to try.

What is Sound Yoga and how can it benefit people with injuries?

Sound Yoga, also known as Nada Yoga, is a practice that combines yoga movements with sound vibrations. These sounds can come from musical instruments like gongs, singing bowls, or even from our own voices through chanting. The idea is that the vibrations from these sounds help to relax the body and mind, making it easier to heal.

Unlocking Healing and Stress Relief: The Power of Vagal Tone and Sound Yoga

What is Vagal Tone?

The vagus nerve is a critical part of our nervous system, playing a major role in regulating stress and calming the body. Vagal tone refers to the activity of the vagus nerve. A higher vagal tone means your body can relax faster after stress. This is important for overall health because it helps reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and enhance mental well-being.

How to Improve Vagal Tone

Improving vagal tone can be achieved through various methods, including deep breathing, cold exposure, and yes, Sound Yoga. When your vagal tone is high, you’re better equipped to handle stress and your body can heal more efficiently.

Several studies highlight the benefits of improving vagal tone and practicing Sound Yoga:

  • Vagal Tone and Stress: Research has shown that any activity that can increase vagal tone can significantly reduce stress levels. This is because a well-toned vagus nerve helps your body switch from a state of stress (fight or flight) to a state of relaxation (rest and digest) more effectively. Other activities that help improve vagal tone are deep breathing, singing, laughing, mediation, tai chi, yoga and social connections.

Sound Yoga and Healing: Studies indicate that Sound Yoga can speed up recovery and reduce pain by creating a relaxed state conducive to healing. The sound vibrations help in lowering stress hormones and promoting tissue repair.

How Does Sound Yoga Help with Injuries?

  1. Promotes Relaxation: When you’re injured, your body is under stress. Sound Yoga helps to calm your mind and relax your muscles. This can reduce pain and tension, making it easier for your body to repair itself.
  2. Reduces Pain: Research shows that sound vibrations can help reduce pain. The soothing sounds used in Sound Yoga can distract the mind from pain and create a sense of peace and well-being.
  3. Improves Sleep: Good sleep is crucial for healing. The relaxation from Sound Yoga can help you sleep better, giving your body more time to recover.
  4. Boosts Mood: Being injured can be tough emotionally. The positive energy from sound vibrations can lift your mood, reducing feelings of frustration or sadness that often accompany injuries.

Research Supporting Sound Yoga

Several studies have looked into the benefits of Sound Yoga. Here are a few findings:

  • Pain Reduction: A study found that patients who practiced Sound Yoga experienced less pain compared to those who didn’t. The sound vibrations helped to ease their discomfort.
  • Faster Recovery: Another study showed that people who included Sound Yoga in their recovery routine healed faster than those who relied only on traditional physical therapy.
  • Improved Mental Health: Research indicates that Sound Yoga can help reduce anxiety and depression, common issues for people dealing with injuries. The calming sounds help to clear the mind and promote a sense of inner peace.

How to Get Started with Sound Yoga

If you’re interested in trying Sound Yoga, here are some simple steps to get started:

  1. Find a Class: Look for local yoga studios that offer Sound Yoga classes. Many places now offer classes specifically for beginners.
  2. Use Online Resources: There are plenty of online videos and tutorials that can guide you through Sound Yoga practices at home. Websites like YouTube have many free resources.
  3. Get the Right Tools: You don’t need much to start. A yoga mat and a quiet space are enough. If you want, you can invest in some simple instruments like a singing bowl or a tuning fork.

Be Patient: Healing takes time, and so does learning something new. Give yourself the grace to progress at your own pace and enjoy the journey.

I honestly didn’t think it would work but I have tried it and I have seen our injured workers give it a go and I can’t believe the differences in recovery. Sound Yoga really is incredible for supporting recovery as well as being a gentle and effective way to support the body’s healing process.

By integrating the power of sound with traditional yoga practices, it offers a unique approach to recovery and who doesn’t love a little unique with tradition. Whether you’re dealing with a minor injury or something more serious or want to prevent illness or have a friend that could benefit then Sound Yoga can provide the relaxation, pain relief, and emotional support you or your friend needs to get back on your feet.

So why not give it a try? Your body and mind will thank you!

Try it out for yourself now for FREE. 

Turn up the volume and be swept away with the magical guided healing session by Siddhi Shakti.