workers compensation podcast

MSSN Podcast Episode 13 – Your Rights

Know Your Rights As an Injured Worker.

Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, MSSN Founder, Dr Caroline Howe speaks with Scott Dougall, partner at Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers and a Personal Injury specialist and expert litigator about simplifying some of the more complicated aspects of making your way through these processes.

Guests: Scott Dougall and MSSN Members

Host: Abe

There are so many questions when you’re on Worker’s Compensation – it can feel overwhelming and like a full-time job! When it comes to doing the right thing with your Certificate of Capacity, knowing your rights with Independent Medical Consultants, and the ultimate goal of returning to work, getting good advice can be difficult, especially if it seems like a lot of legal gibberish!

In this week’s episode, MSSN Founder, Dr Caroline Howe speaks with Scott Dougall, partner at Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers and a Personal Injury specialist and expert litigator about simplifying some of the more complicated aspects of making your way through these processes.

The key take aways we learnt are that:

  1. It’s ok to ask questions when you don’t understand what is going on
  2. The workers compensation act is written to be worker friendly. If things don’t feel friendly then maybe things are not working in accordance with the act?
  3. Injured workers do have to actively participate in getting better but not everything a worker gets referred to is actually an assessment they have to say yes to.

And so much more!!!

We were so lucky to have this masterclass on how things are supposed to work and we can’t thank Scott enough for taking time out of his day to help us all learn.

If you feel you need legal advice, the Independent Review Office is there for you:

To contact Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers: 

Sit back and enjoy this episode – LISTEN NOW  and make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any future episodes.

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