workers compensation podcast

MSSN Podcast Episode 3 – MSSN Injured Worker Members Chat

  • Post author:
  • Post published:12/04/2024
  • Post category:Podcast
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Episode Summary: In this episode, you will meet some of the members of the My Social Support Network and hear their varied experiences. Through sharing, we hope to give encouragement and inspiration to those going through a tough time as they recover from a workplace injury. 

Caroline also explains how the workers compensation scheme should work.

Guests: MSSN Members

Host: Abe

What makes people put in a workers compensation claim? What do workers find positive? What helps people get through the process? What are the positives of being in worker’s comp?

In 2019 a study was completed to look at the available literature on the lived experience of someone on a workers compensation claim. The researchers looked at appropriate and available research between 2001 to 2017 and only found 12 papers that had been published on what the injured worker experience is.

It’s not a lot is it.

When we started the idea of the My Social Support Network Podcast we began a working group and invited any injured worker to join. Every episode, the speakers, the topics, the sequence of release of episodes has all been designed by injured workers. My voice is there but the podcast is theirs.

Episode 3 of the My Social Support Network Podcast was the chance for people in the network to start to speak about their experiences.

There isn’t a lot I can say about this episode to do it justice. I have spent years working in research thinking I knew everything but everyday working in MSSN teaches me how little I know.

When we scoped out the episode in the working group, the injured workers wanted to create an episode that helped other injured workers.

This episode was designed to inspire and support other injured workers and my great hope is that anyone connected to the scheme – family, doctors, health professionals, case managers and claims agents can also listen and learn.

In the episode we are not listening to “injured workers”, instead we hear the voices of a community reaching out to help others and personally I think that’s really cool.

If you want to hear the episode then hit the play button above and make sure to subscribe and follow in your favourite podcast app.